Simply click the button below to give a one-time gift or set up your recurring giving!

GIVING details

Transaction Types

Give online or in-person! Help us avoid merchant transaction fees and give in-person during our Sunday services, mail a check, or stop by our office (Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5pm).  You can also make secure one time or recurring donations through the link at the top of this page or through Cornerstone's Realm app. Please consider paying the transaction fee because the church will pay for it if you do not. Want to give a stock? Cornerstone has a brokerage account available for accepting gifts of publicly-traded stocks, mutual funds or exchange-traded funds.  To make a gift, please contact the church office for transfer instructions. 


e-Giving provides detailed transaction information for each user (i.e. Transaction History, Monthly Report, and Year-to-Date Reports). For security and convenience, each user is emailed when an online donation is processed.

Contribution Statements and all of your personal giving records can be accessed in Realm. Simply look for the Giving tab on the left of your browser or at the bottom of your cell phone screen after you have logged into your Realm account.  Our finance office also sends quarterly emails with attached giving reports to those who have given to the church.

Questions, Concerns, or Comments?

Have financial questions? Please contact our Financial Administrator Sandy Cantliffe.