PRayer Shawl Ministry

The Cornerstone Baptist Church Prayer Shawl Ministry joyfully gathers to bring glory to God by prayerfully using our God-given talents to individually craft shawls and blankets for those in our church, their families and friends who are experiencing joy or are in need of comfort in times of sorrow, be it physical or emotional. To God be the glory!

"Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your Name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1



The PSM began in March 2015 when one lady expressed an interest in learning to knit. We began with a small group of ladies who came together to learn to knit, and by the grace of God, our ministry grew from that point to where we are today, 

with over 30 members participating in the ministry.

As of August 2024 our Prayer Shawl Ministry has made and donated over 700 prayer shawls or prayer blankets as well as numerous other items.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is open to all ages. Anyone who knits or crochets and anyone who is interested in learning, is invited to come join us.

We have ladies who are eager to teach you.

To request a prayer shawl, join the ministry, or to get additional information, contact Maude Caudle by submitting a form. Submit a form now!


Crochet and knit Prayer Shawls and Blankets for the birth of a baby, a new believer, an illness, a death, or someone who needs encouragement. Each shawl or blanket is a gift of love, friendship, and caring, a blessing to the one who makes it and to the one who receives it.

It is our prayer that each recipient will experience God's comfort and peace as they wrap themselves in their prayer shawl or blanket and feel the prayers lifted up on their behalf.

Witness to the World: We create various items such as crosses, dishcloths, and prayer squares that are taken on church mission trips to be distributed.

Pregnancy Network Ministry: We create and donate baby blankets to be given to  bless expectant mothers who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy but have made the life-giving decision to not have an abortion.

New Believers Ministry: Salvation blankets or scarves are crafted and presented to those in the church who have decided to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him in believer's baptism.

Sympathy: We send memorial sympathy cards with prayer squares to church members whose loved one has passed away.

Each one of these crafted items is bathed in prayer that the one receiving them feel God's embracing love and care.