2019 Fall REtreat

Join us for our first ever Youth and Parent(s) Fall Retreat! Every year parents send their student(s) away for the weekend to retreat from the craziness of life to allow for a time of fun and spiritual nourishment. This escape allows students to focus on relationships with each other and most importantly with Christ. While this is true for students, parents too need this type of opportunity, and what would have a greater impact than for students and parents to experience this TOGETHER!

Over the course of the weekend we will be taking a look at the life and faith of one of the most well know (and most interesting!) people in the Bible: David. As we look at the highs and lows of David's journey to one day becoming a king, we'll see its not the destination that defines your faith and who you become, it's what happens along the way - what happens "In The Making".

Details and Registration Below

Sessions Include:

Messages delivered by Josh Brickey: Josh Brickey is a former Youth Pastor and current owner of the nationally acclaimed escape room "Escape Plan" in Columbia, SC. Josh is also Pastor Patrick's former youth pastor.

Worship lead by Tyler Ricketts and The Royal Line

Including special parent breakouts lead by Terrace Crawford. Terrace is a nationally recognized youth speaker speaking at conferences such as D6.

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Event Details



Early Registration: $140 (Register by September 30)

Normal Registration: $150 Register After September 30.

**If a family registers more than two children, each additional student is only $75.

Parents/Adult Leaders


*Parents do not have to attend in order for their child to attend*

Departure: Friday, October 25

Main Group: 2:30pm (Registration Opens 30 minutes prior)

Late Group: 5:30pm

** If you need to leave later Patrick will contact you to help make arrangements**

Return: Sunday, October 27

Everyone will return by 5:00pm

Student Code of Conduct


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Please note: Registration is not complete until a $50 deposit per student is received. Deposits can be paid online or turned into the church office.


Where does my student need to go to check in?

Check-in begins in the upper commons at 2:00pm. Students will need to enter in through the lower commons doors and proceed up the ramp to complete the check-in process. To check-in, students must have all paperwork and payment turned in.

What does my student need to attend?

All trip costs paid and a 2019 Student Ministry Waiver on file.

(All Trip costs are due by October 22nd)

What is included in the cost?

Transportation, 5 meals during the retreat, lodging, and all retreat materials. (Those leaving at 2:30pm will need money for dinner.)

What do students need to bring?

  • Bible
  • Bedding (Pillow, sleeping bag or sheets and blanket)
  • Pen/pencil
  • Notebook
  • Wash cloth and towel
  • Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, anything else you may need to get ready in the morning.
  • Appropriate clothing and footwear. Students will be walking and playing outdoors. Please check the weather to pack accordingly. Don't forget that the temperature at night can be significantly cooler.
  • Students leaving at 2:30 will need money for dinner on the way to the retreat. (Chick-Fil-A)

Optional: Money for additional snacks.

Paintball Attire


  • Long pants
  • Long sleeved shirt/hoodie
  • Utility gloves (not slick material)
  • Hat or beanie or ski mask
  • Closed toed shoes that can get dirty
  • High socks

~Other Recommendations

  • Some sort of neck protection
  • Dark clothes
  • Looser clothing
  • Layer clothing
  • As little skin exposure as possible
  • Clothes will get dirty, however, paint is usually washable
  • Safety mask will be provided

What do students NOT need to bring?

  • Guns (airsoft or otherwise)
  • Knifes
  • iPods or mp3 players
  • Tobacco, Alcohol and other illegal or questionable paraphernalia.